CNN Portugal | Marcas com História – Ep.4 | Real Companhia Velha

Director: Ricardo Gonçalves
Production: WLP Innovation
Year: 2023
Genre: Documentaries
In Exibition: CNN Portugal
Client: CNN Portugal

Episode 4 – Real Companhia Velha

The Real Companhia Velha is the only company founded by Marquês de Pombal that remains active. Today, just like 267 years ago, it continues to be the foremost reference for Port Wine, both in Portugal and abroad. It has also paved the way as a brand of win es born from its estates in the historic Demarcated Region of the Douro.

In this fourth episode of “Marcas com História” we go back several centuries to the origins of this founding house of wines from the Douro region. We discuss the present, which brings innovations, and the future, which is also the future of the Silva Reis family and the succession at the helm of Real Companhia Velha.

Memory. Tradition. Prestige. And, of course, the charm of the vineyards. We celebrate this brand with the people who wor k here at the lively end – of – harvest party.


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